Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Top Interview Questions on Accounting with Answers for Freshers
Top Interview Questions on Accounting with Answers for Freshers Top Interview Questions on Accounting with Answers6 min read Read ing Time: 5 min utesAn inter view is a nerve-wrack ing time for all can di dates irre spec tive of their expe ri ence or field. This is a moment where one must come to prove that their skills and knowl edge meet up to the stan dards and require ments of the inter view er. As dif fi cult as it may be, there are always those who have been through this before you and can thus pro vide you with a look into what the process is like ly to be and what can be asked of you or from you. So let us focus on a spe cif ic field and look into what are the inter view ers seek ing in the field of account ing appli ca tion. Account ing inter view can cov er every thing from the o ret i cal to prac ti cal ques tions. It could cov er pri ma ry account ing process es like finan cial account ing, fixed assets, lia bil i ty accounts, ledger accounts, type of account ing, accounts receiv able, accounts payable, etc. As a result, it is very cru cial to clear your basics about account ing. While there are things that can only be learned by prac ti cal expe ri ence, the o ret i cal knowl edge also holds great impor tance. Here is a brief glimpse into the pos si ble job inter view ques tions on account ingfor those who are right out of col lege and look ing for a job, sit ting for inter views. Search for all cur rent upcom ing Account ing Jobs. Click here tofind thou sands of Account ing Jobs in India. Interview Questions on Accounting with Answers: Q. Is there more than one kind of business transactions in accounting? If yes, name them. A. Yes, rev enue and cap i tal are the two kinds of busi ness trans ac tions in account ing. Q. Explain and give examples of real and nominal accounts? A. An account made up of assets and lia bil i ties is a real account while one made up of income and expens es is a nom i nal one. An exam ple of the for mer is a land account while that of the lat ter is a wages account. Q. Name some accounting platforms you know of? A. Fresh Books, Sage 50Cloud, Net Suite ERP, Quick Books Enter prise, Tipalti, Zoho Books, Gus to, FreeAgent, Sage Busi ness Cloud Account ing, Xero, ADP Work force Now. Q. Double-entry bookkeeping rules are specific. What is it and what are they? A. An account ing prin ci ple where each deb it entry has a cor re spond ing cred it entry to bal ance the books is known as dou ble-entry book keep ing. The rule states that the total deb it must always equal the total deb it. This is pos si ble by not ing that every deb it from some account leads to cred it in some oth er account. Q. Define working capital? A. When we sub tract cur rent lia bil i ties from cur rent assets, the amount cal cu lat ed is used for day to day trad ing and is known as the work ing cap i tal. Q. How can accuracy be maintained in accounting? A. To avoid loss es it is impor tant that com plete accu ra cy is main tained in account ing for a com pa ny or even a per son. There fore, it is best that the laid town tools and process es are used in order to ensure errors are not made and cor rect ed if made. Q. What do you understand by TDS and where is it shown in the balance sheet? A. The Tax deduct ed at Source (TDS) is a con cept that was inter cept ed to col lect tax from peo ple and legal enti ties at each source of income to ensure tax is not evad ed or mis cal cu lat ed. When it comes to a bal ance sheet, the same is record ed as an asset fol low ing the head of cur rents assets. Q. What differentiates a trial balance from a balance sheet? A. Arith meti cal accu ra cy in not ing all bal ances in a ledger in their record ing and post ing is the iden ti ty and role of a tri al bal ance. Con trary to this is a bal ance sheet where all the assets, lia bil i ties, and equi ty of a com pa ny are list ed to know its finan cial posi tion on the giv en date. It is also true that the for mer is an inter nal doc u ment to a com pa ny while the lat ter needs to statu to ri ly be pub lished. Q. When is a company that has a positive cash flow in trouble? A. This sit u a tion may devel op if there is an unsus tain able improve ment in the work ing cap i tal but there is a seri ous lack of rev enue in the pipeline for the future. Q. Are dormant and inactive accounts different? A. The dif fer ence between the two is that of per ma nence. The for mer is tem porar i ly not being used but will be even tu al ly but the lat ter is one that is closed and will nev er be used going for ward. Won der ing what does an accoun tant do? Click here to read about accoun tant job descrip tion, qual i fi ca tions, key skills more. Q. Can you list the Accounting Standards? A. There are cur rent ly 41 Account ing Stan dards that have been issued by the Account ing Stan dards Board (ASB). The manda to ry ones from these are: AS1 Dis clo sure of Account ing Poli cies AS2 Val u a tion of Inven to ries AS3 Cash Flow State ments AS4 Con tin gen cies and Events Occur ring After Bal ance Sheet Date AS5 Net prof it or loss for the peri od, Pri or Peri od Items and Changes in Account ing Poli cies AS7 Con struc tion Con tracts AS9 Rev enue Recog ni tion AS10 Prop er ty, Plant and Equip ment AS11 The Effects of Changes in For eign Exchange Rates AS12 Gov ern ment Grants AS13 Account ing for Invest ments AS14 Account ing for Amal ga ma tions AS15 Employ ee Ben e fits AS16 Bor row ing Costs AS17 Seg ment Report ing AS18 Relat ed Par ty Dis clo sures AS19 Leas es AS20 Earn ings Per Share AS21 Con sol i dat ed Finan cial State ments AS22 Account ing for Tax es on Income AS23 Account ing for Invest ments in Asso ciates AS24 Dis con tin u ing Oper a tions AS25 Inter im Finan cial Report ing AS26 Intan gi ble Assets AS27 Finan cial Report ing of Inter ests in Joint Ven tures AS28 Impair ment of Assets AS29 Pro vi sions, Con tin gent Lia bil i ties, and Con tin gent Assets Q. Why are the Accounting Standards mandatory? A. The applic a bil i ty of these stan dards ensures that accu rate, reli able and rel e vant finan cial reports are cre at ed by com pa nies and peo ple there fore, they play a very impor tant role. Q. What can you tell me about GST? A. The Goods and Ser vice Tax (GST) is a form of indi rect tax apart from the Income Tax. This is charged by the sell er to the cus tomer and is cal cu lat ed on the val ue of the product/ ser vice and its cat e go riza tion by the gov ern ment. Then the sell er should deposit the same to them. Q. Can you name some of the most popular accounting concepts? A. Some of these con cepts are: Account ing Peri od Con cept Busi ness Enti ty Con cept Cost Con cept D ual Aspect Con cept Go ing Con cern Con cept Match ing Con cept Money Mea sure ment Con cept Q. Can you name some common errors in accounting? A. Some of the most com mon errors in account ing can be: Error of omis sion An error of orig i nal entry Error of com mis sion An error of account ing prin ci ple Com pen sat ing error An error of entry rever sal Error of dupli ca tion Q. What are the principal financial accounts in an Organization? Prof it Loss account: These accounts depict the results of busi ness oper a tions through a cer tain peri od. It cov ers the rev enues, the costs involved as well as the sur plus or deficit. Bal ance Sheet: This tells the posi tion of assets as well as lia bil i ties as on a par tic u lar date. It is impor tant to assess what is owned by the con cern in con trast to what it owes to the stake hold ers. Cash Flow State ment: This finan cial account depicts the flow of cash into and out of the three major activ i ties of oper a tions, financ ing as well as invest ing. These sets of ques tions are not an exhaus tive col lec tion of inter view ques tions on account ing and thus you should study as much as you can for that. Just like any oth er field, there are always more things to learn and dis cov er in the account ing field as well. So keep your choic es open and nev er miss an oppor tu ni ty to expand your hori zon. We wish you the best of luck with your inter view. Relat ed Posts: Job Search Online â" Tips to become a Pro at Job Search Jobs For Fresh ers that Promise A Bright Future accounting interview questionsaccounting interview questions and answersaccounting interview questions for freshers experiencedinterview questions on accounting
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